

Go-boiler is desigend for creating webapps & websites with golang.
According to golang philosophy you don't need framework.

Instead of using framework, integrate libraries according to your need.
Go-boiler provides routing and response rendering. Everything else is left on developer ( Yes! that's you ) including database.


Go-boiler is built-on top of existing libraries. It provider very basic facilites, wrapper functions and structure for website/ webapps.


You can either clone the project from github or download source code.
For clonning project
$ git clone

Ready to Go!

Folder Structure

Getting Started

You have to build and start application server for your application to start your application.

Open URL http://localhost:8081.

Static Routing

When you open URL localhost:8081. You get welcome page. It's actully comming from static routes mapping.




Path to the view file ( Relative path to view folder )

  • index.html
  • site
    • about.html

All static routes has to be defined inside static.json as pair of URL and page.

For example we have index.html page and about.html page with "/" and "/about" route. For those route static.json and folder arrangment of files are shown in example.

Static routes has to be defined in static.json. Application need to be restarted to get static routes changes in effect. Static routes does not process any render time data. So it should be use only for complete static data.( Thouhg, you may fetch dynamic data using ajax )

Dynamic Routing

Dynmic routing is routing you specify inside dynamicRoutes() routes.go file

        // dynamicRoutes requires route
        // and handling function for response.
        func dynamicRoutes(router *mux.Route
                    func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
                    // rendering view
                    data := make(map[string]interface)
                    data["user"] = "john"
                    View(w,r, data, "user.html")



  • application
    • server-logic
      • routes.go

You have to register every dynamic routes inside dynamicRoutes functions. To get dynamic routes in effect you need to recomile whole server again.

Dynamic routes can carry render time data with them using render function in handler. As shown in example we have passed render time data to View function.

Rendering Functions


View function expected to be used in routes. View function processs input paramerter with selected view template and returns processed view.

View function required 4 paramter in order defiened as below

http.ResponseWriter (w) Where output has to be written
*http.Request (r) request object
map[string]interface (dataMap) map of data to be passed to view
string ('site/about.html') Path to the view file ( relative from view )
        View(w, r, dataMap, "site/about.html")


        // dynamicRoutes requires route
        // and handling function for response.
        func dynamicRoutes(router *mux.Rout
                    func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
                    // rendering view
                    data := make(map[string]interface)
                    data["user"] = "john"
                    View(w,r, data, "user.html")



JSON function expected to be used in routes. JSON function returns data as json

JSON function required 2 paramter in order defiened as below

http.ResponseWriter (w) Where output has to be written
interface (data) data to be passed as json
        JSON(w, data)


        // dynamicRoutes requires route
        // and handling function for response.
        func dynamicRoutes(router *mux.Rout
                    func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
                    // rendering view
                    data := make(map[string]interface)
                    data["user"] = "john"
                    JSON(w, data)



HTMLString function is similar to View function. Differance is that View function returns http response after execution. While HTMLString returns string of generated html instead of sending it as http response.

Example of use,

Mostly email service provider accept html as input for mail. You can use HTMLString function to generate HTML for you mail.

JSON function required 2 paramter in order defiened as below

interface (data) data to be passed as json
string ('mails/invitation.html') Where output has to be written
        HTMLString(w, 'mails/invitation.html')


    func SendMail(template, from, subject, info string, to string, data interface{}) {
        message := mailgun.NewMessage(
        html := HTMLString(data, template)
        // Sends the mail using the mailgun
        // it uses the mailgun configurations for it
        var mg = mailgun.NewMailgun(Config.Mail.Domain, Config.Mail.Key, Config.Mail.PublicKey)
                _, _, err := mg.Send(message)
                if err != nil {

Render Time Variables

Go-boiler uses Cloudykit/JetTemplating enginer for rendering view and generating html string. Go-boiler injects certain render time variables to template.

Here is the list of varaibles currenlty available.

config config object defined in app.json
token CSRF token value
currentPATH path of currently visible page